At a glance
Take the next steps to kick start your career in disability services with this intermediate level qualification. Helping to equip you to work in a wide range of community service settings.
Study the Certificate IV in Mental Health (CHC43315) with our industry trainers to receive a competitive qualification to further students in their future endeavours and enable them for eligibility in university credits. Star College Australia provide all students with the guidance and assistance they may require to reach your full potential. The Certificate IV in Mental Health (CHC43315) is designed specifically for those looking to provide self-directed recovery-oriented support for people affected by mental illness and psychiatric disability. Undertaking this course will allow students to advance their careers and provide them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to last a life time.
Completion of this nationally recognised qualification will allow you to obtain a role as a manager or supervisor within a broad range of industries. Students undertaking this course will be guided through the following subject areas, learning the resource materials with the support of your dedicated trainer.
Working with diverse people
Participating in workplace health and safety
Working legally and ethically
Working effectively in trauma informed care
providing recovery oriented mental health services
Self-directed recovery relationships
Promoting Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander culture safety
Face to Face
Blended Delivery
Please contact us on
1300 206 000 for more information

Entry Requirements
There is no entry requirements for the Certificate IV in Mental Health (CHC43315).
Course Requirements
The successful achievement of this qualification requires you to complete all core and 4 elective units from the list below. You will also be required to undertake 80 hours of vocational placement in an approved setting.
Core Units
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCMHS002 Establish self-directed recovery relationships
CHCMHS003 Provide recovery oriented mental health services
CHCMHS004 Work collaboratively with the care network and other services
CHCMHS005 Provide services to people with coexisting mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues
CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
CHCMHS008 Promote and facilitate self advocacy
CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
Elective Units
CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCAOD002 Work with clients who are intoxicated
CHCCDE002 Develop and implement community programs